Valley of Moons

Menstrual Cycle Education

The menstrual cycle is about so much more than just blood and pregnancy. It is a complicated biological process that can be felt and utilized within your whole being on a physical, mental, physiological, emotional and spiritual level.

When accessed with awareness, the subtle hormonal changes that occur daily within the menstrual cycle offer us the ability to view the world and our lives through various lenses.

As women, our fertility matters. Not only is the menstrual cycle a health biomarker, but when accessed with awareness, it is our built-in individualized support system that helps us realize and actualize all of our desires.

When we honor our cycles, we honor ourselves.

Awareness and intention towards this multifaceted biological rhythm builds a healthy conversation with mind and body. Through this powerful structure, we begin to organically develop our relationship with self.

It is my intention to help transform our relationship to the menstrual cycle as one of hidden shame to one of sustainable power.

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FREE Webinar

The Creation Story from a Feminist Lens

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get the audio recording


Each cycle, women mimic the creation of the world.


online Course

The Cyclical Jewess


A course for the woman who wants to reclaim what it means to be a cyclical Jewish woman.

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What they are saying



Jess Fleisch

Jess is a holistic menstrual cycle educator, activist, coach and kallah teacher. Integrating educational lessons, reflection exercises, dance, meditation and public speaking, Jess teaches educational programs worldwide to girls and women of all ages. Her work encourages women to return to their bodies for wisdom and power. She believes that the more a woman understands her body and the inherent magic that lives there, the more empowered she will be. Born and raised in New Jersey, Jess currently lives in Brooklyn with her husband and son.

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Womb Meditation


Free 18 minute womb meditation to help bring intention and awareness to your sacred womb space, power source and creative center!for an Easier, Healthier, More Empowering Transition

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Post Hormonal Birth-Control E-Book

for an Easier, Healthier, More Empowering Transition

Free guidebook for anyone who has recently come off hormonal birth control. Full of resources to help you rebalance your hormones, restore libido and find confidence in non-hormonal methods of birth control. This 6 page E-book includes relevant books, courses, podcasts, herbs, and more.
