1:1 Embodied Womb Journey

Embodied Womb Journey is a 90 minute online (or in-person) 1:1 session for anyone wishing to connect more deeply to their womb, cycle, fertility, creative potential, pleasure, feminine power and/or overall health and well being.

The womb is your creative center, reflecting and holding all the joy, beauty, pain and trauma that you have experienced in your lifetime. Reconnecting with this space through embodied practices can help bring about acceptance, release and integration, opening you up to positive changes in all areas of your life.

Each custom-made Embodied Womb Journey includes a blend of womb meditation, embodied prompts, writing & reflection exercises, and movement. After the session, you will receive a personalized resource and recommendation list to further deepen and integrate your Embodied Womb Journey into your life.

This holistic journey begins with a 20 minute consultation call to discuss your creative challenges & goals, health/vitality challenges, or anything else you wish to discuss so that you get the most out of your custom-made Embodied Womb Journey.

Embodied Womb Journey includes:

  • 20 minute initial Zoom call

  • Custom-made 90 minute 1:1 Embodied Womb Journey (Zoom or in-person)

  • Personalized resource and recommendation list with writing prompts, rituals, herbal recipes and more.

Investment: $222

book your Free noncommittal 15 minute consultation call!